Let’s begin. HAPPY SPRING!
Welcome to my blog. Wait, I’m a blogger y’all! I hope you are excited as I am to be here. Through the years, I have been able to follow my passions while simultaneously wearing many hats! This blog is the culmination of those things which I have been planning. Life has provided experiences that allowed me to learn and grow so things can fall into place.
BeautiMarque Business Magnet circa 2008
This first post is a full circle moment, from my freelance makeup artistry business, Beautimarque, to my blog, by the same name. I am an educator and a dedicated wife and mother. So in preparation to make 2023 the boldest year, I decided to do a self-audit and strike through things on my to-do lists as a lifelong freelance creative.
Create @thebeautimarque Instagram account, adding content
Create Beautimarque Youtube Channel, adding content
Create Beautimarque Pinterest Page, adding content
Create Beautimarque Blog
All things work together for good to those who love the Lord (Romans 8:28). And, y’all, I have been working!
Setting Intentions in the Spring
I believe any time is an opportunity to start fresh with an intention. Taking a step back to think about which areas (one to three) need the most attention to get closer to having a bold year was helpful. Doing this allowed me to define the most authentic intentions for my family and me. I am focusing on what I want to achieve this year and considering the actions I can take to go about it.
Declutter and Organize
The intention is to eliminate anything not used. I am also looking for opportunities to organize and store away everything I want to keep. From clothes, emails, makeup, toys, and pictures, I can work to get better organized. I want to let go of many tangible items. It’s time to let go of these things and lighten my load. I am starting by allocating some time each day that works within my daily schedule. It could be five, ten, or fifteen minutes. We are decluttering everything, including items that belong to someone else (side eye to my husband and children). In the past (when my organization was top-notch), I set limits like something new in, something old out, and I want to return to a modified version. I love a good wardrobe edit, but I am not stopping there! You will find me donating or selling items from fashion to home and more.
Should I sell on Poshmark? Please let me know in the comments below.
I can take some time to show my family our clutter-free and organized home. Then, they can get ready because we are setting some ground rules for putting stuff away!
Deliberate Practice
I am a natural analyzer and researcher, which is good at times. I have joined webinars, read blog posts, and watched YouTube videos to learn as much as possible. However, there are other times when I have to outsmart procrastination. I can do more of this by completing a task that is the most challenging when I have the most energy and focus. I intend to focus on making things happen and what I need to do to ensure they do.
Taking Action
Y’all, I am taking action and making the right things come my way!! I am almost at the end of my first blog post! As you can see, it is time to turn dreaming into doing. I intend to post weekly on family, fashion, interiors, and beauty. I will post every Wednesday, so please check back here to see what’s new.
Thank you if you have made it to this point in my post! I appreciate your support. We can learn from each other to help each other grow. We are taking action, making decisions from a place intention, to make 2023 the boldest year!
Until next time, remember to mark your life with beauty!
xo Janae’