Make Your Kitchen Pretty and More Efficient with Spice Organization

I am always in the kitchen. It is one of my favorite places in our home, as I love cooking! Preparing meals for my family also brings me joy. Given that I spend a lot of time in the kitchen, I also have to work more to keep it organized and clean. Y'all, there are always dirty dishes, and I am still trying to figure out how.

Another issue that plagued my organizing efforts was the spice cabinet. Now that there is more than one cook in the kitchen, the cabinet has two different organizing styles, but only one is the law (shade to my husband). As a result, I would open the cabinet while cooking and adjusting the seasoning, and an avalanche of herbs and spices would fall to the floor. I could not understand it, given that every container had space on risers and the cabinet had ample storage. Finally, after this happened several times, I decided that the spice cabinet’s time had ended, and I needed to investigate alternative organization methods. 

Creative Ways to Organize Spices

Magnetic Spice Jars: In the past, I bought small spice magnetic jars that were attached to the side of the fridge and a stainless steel magnetic board that came with the purchase. I could see all the spices, which was a great space saver. Unfortunately, there needed to be more containers to fit my needs.

(Side note: This can be a simple DIY project. Make your own magnetic board by attaching a piece of sheet metal to the wall or inside a cabinet. Then, attach small magnets to the bottom of your spice jars and stick them to the board.)

Tiered Spice Rack: A tiered spice rack can be used on the countertop or inside a cabinet. Let's cheer for it being multifunctional!

Sliding Spice Racks: These allow you to pull out the rack like a drawer, and the spices fit right into the cabinet. 

Drawer Inserts: Use a drawer insert to organize your spices in a drawer. You can easily pull out the entire drawer and see your herbs. Also, this organization system makes it easy to find what you need without pulling each jar out if you label them. 

These are just a few ideas, but the key is to find a system that works for you, your family, and your kitchen. Our system winner is (drum roll please) the spice drawer inserts!

Bamboo Lid Spice Jars on Bamboo Drawer Riser

Organizing Your Spices in Your Kitchen Drawer

I can see all of my spices! They are confined in the drawer and can not fall out regardless of who is cooking ( yes, that is shade again). This was the number one factor for me! I am over finding spices expired in the back of my cabinet or glass jars broken on the floor. Having them lying flat in the drawer on the risers means I can see all of them without knocking things down like I did when they were in the cabinet. 

Whether you want to keep your spices in their original store-bought containers or buy all matching containers like I did, laying your kitchen spice flat in a drawer allows you to use a variety of jars or containers. Other spice organization methods I tried needed to be more flexible.

Labeled Bamboo Lid Spice Jars on Bamboo Drawer Riser

By organizing my spices in a kitchen drawer, they are right at my fingertips! Also, I decided to store my other spices in containers on large three-tiered risers.

My new setup is similar to the narrow risers I initially used in the cabinet. But now, these are MY specialty spices, and this organization allows me to see them all at once while making it easy to get to the ones I need when creating culinary masterpieces!

Anyway, now it's your turn. Would you like tips for organizing your herbs and spices? Let me know in the comments below. Remember to make 2023 the boldest year; we are taking action! So show off, and tell me how you organize your herbs and spices!

Until next time, remember to mark your life with beauty!

xo Janae’


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